Valentines Bouquet CHALLENGE

Anything but Roses!

Want to take part? Just fill in the form.

While roses are beautiful,

they are certainly not everyoneโ€™s flower of choice for showing love and affection.

So, whatโ€™s your flower of love?

Show us your best Valentineโ€™s Day bouquet and you could win 200 Euro worth of Danziger flower varieties.
In addition, selected pictures will be featured in Danzigerโ€™s marketing materials and across our social media platforms, providing wide exposure and visibility worldwide.

Want to take part?

1. Design your inspiring Valentineโ€™s Day bouquet
2. Put at least 2 Danziger flower varieties* from your local supplier**
3. Avoid roses!
4. Take some gorgeous pictures of your stanning bouquet

** If youโ€™re having trouble finding a local supplier, please let us know. –ย All Rights Reserved. Terms and Conditions

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